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Re: [Asrg] 6. Solutions - Replacing SMTP - GIEIS Analysis

2003-07-06 09:20:31

From: Yakov Shafranovich <research(_at_)solidmatrix(_dot_)com>
To: "Mark McCarron" 
Subject: Re: [Asrg] 6. Solutions - Replacing SMTP - GIEIS Analysis
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2003 12:10:03 -0400

At 04:06 PM 7/6/2003 +0000, Mark McCarron wrote:

From: Yakov Shafranovich <research(_at_)solidmatrix(_dot_)com>
To: "Mark McCarron" 
Subject: Re: [Asrg] 6. Solutions - Replacing SMTP - GIEIS Analysis
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2003 11:43:57 -0400

At 03:08 PM 7/6/2003 +0000, Mark McCarron wrote:

From: Yakov Shafranovich <research(_at_)solidmatrix(_dot_)com>
To: "Mark McCarron" 
Subject: Re: [Asrg] 6. Solutions - Replacing SMTP - GIEIS Analysis
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2003 00:02:05 -0400

At 03:47 AM 7/6/2003 +0000, Mark McCarron wrote:

4. Participate in defining the consent framework.

Mark's Response:

The consent framework will consist of white and black lists. There will be no greylisting. A complete opt-out will be allowed by 'GIEIS'.

The group's consent framework is what we are currently working on.

Mark's Response:

With all the self-interested posts that appear here with inaccurate information, a coherent consent framework is highly unlikely to develop.

We are chartered to created such framework ( and a draft is available. If you had been following the discussions for the last few days you would have seen that they are concentrated on that framework. If you do not wish to contribute to anything else than your own proposal, then create your own mailing list for its discussion and leave the group. This is what the author of the SPF proposal did.

Mark's Response:

I have been following the discussion for the last few days. Frankly, I have never seen so much nonsense posted in such a short period of time. The 'consent framework' is a few hours worth of work at most and full of things that are already known or done, how long did it take the group to develop this?? Since its creation???

Nevertheless its what we are chartered to do. If you think its a bunch of non-sense then either start commenting on specific parts or LEAVE. We were chartered by the IRTF to create it and that's what we are doing. The IMPP WG also started with a model so its not an uncommon practice to start of with an abstract model and then go on to specific solutions.

Mark's Response:

This issue has been well defined and the problem understood. The 'Asrg' is just going around in circles. I will start commenting on the proposals, in fact, every last one. I'll soon remove the nonsense that appears here.

We will be awaiting that.

Mark's Response:

Good.  Looking forward to it!

Mark McCarron.

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