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RE: [Asrg] 3. Requirements - Non Spam must go through

2003-07-11 11:33:35
-----Original Message-----
From: asrg-admin(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org [mailto:asrg-admin(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org] 
Behalf Of Jason Steiner
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 1:54 PM
To: asrg(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org
Subject: RE: [Asrg] 3. Requirements - Non Spam must go through


  Walter's 2nd (f)law of content-based spam detection;
  Even 100% correct (0% false positives and 0% false negatives) 
content-based spam detection that properly flags 14 
megabytes of spam 
and 1 megabyte of non-spam is useless given an inbox with 5 or 10 
megabytes of capacity.

Now *this* is very true. However, content-based filtering can be 
an important part of a 2-tier anti-spam solution. Spam steals 
both system resources and human time. A content-based filter 
can address the latter, and provide information used to 
'train' the source- based defenses that address the former.


Absolutely, positively! Version 3 of Message Sniffer (under development)
uses precisely this approach... and as it turns out it is not only
possible for a content filter to train a source based filter, but it can
even train itself to recognize new patters of content. I can't share
results on this yet - because they are all highly experimental and
otherwise meaningless, but I can tell you that the theory holds up very
well in practice.

One actual case I can point to: Message Sniffer has been used in at
least one installation where the IP source of messages trapped by
Message Sniffer (the content filter) is driven forward to an IMGate box
(MTA Gateway running Postfix). In this system, the content filter
captures 4-6% of spam continuously (indicating continued "learning")
while the MTA Gateway box rejects the rest of the spam based on IP ACLs.
Performance reports on this system have been extremely good, and as a
methodology this seems to be a very scalable solution since the
"expensive" content filtering load is significantly reduced while it's
effects are still highly leveraged.

Systems like this should do very well establishing policys for the
"anonymous" case... that is: SOFT CONSENT, and SOFT DENIED CONSENT. For
example, in the rejection policy for SOFT DENIED CONSENT, the REJECTION
could include an action item to add an entry to the DENIED CONSENT
policy by source address with an appropriate expiration. (The expiration
should also be "abuse sensitive").

If consent policies can be structured in this way they will be able to
provide an adaptive framework that can take advantage of any current or
future technologies for detecting abuse... In the same vein, the
non-abuse case can also be leveraged where consent token methodologies
can be adaptive - recording new senders in the CONSENT policy
automatically under special conditions so that email address changes can
be accomodated without intervention. Again in this vein is the ability
for a CONSENT policy to contain a provisional component for "sensing"
the email that the RECEIVER sends such that automated mechanisms might
be employed to add CONSENT entries as needed - that is, an "auto
whitelist" feature.

Even though the consent policy structure will be a standardized
mechanism, there's no reason any number of services and utilities can't
be employed by that consent policy provided the services are available
where the policy is employed. To that end, the structure of a consent
policy should be standardized in such a way that "any" available
mechanism can be employed as part of the local consent model for a
RECEIVER in their given environment. The additional goal of making
consent policy documents portable should also be well considered.

I think an IMPLEMENTATION section should be included to tie local system
resources into the consent policy in a way that is platform independent.


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