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Re: [Asrg] 3. Requirements - Non Spam must go through

2003-07-11 13:26:39

Pete McNeil writes:
Now *this* is very true. However, content-based filtering can be 
an important part of a 2-tier anti-spam solution. Spam steals 
both system resources and human time. A content-based filter 
can address the latter, and provide information used to 
'train' the source- based defenses that address the former.

Absolutely, positively! Version 3 of Message Sniffer (under development)
uses precisely this approach... and as it turns out it is not only
possible for a content filter to train a source based filter, but it can
even train itself to recognize new patters of content. I can't share
results on this yet - because they are all highly experimental and
otherwise meaningless, but I can tell you that the theory holds up very
well in practice.

SpamAssassin does this for the AWL and Bayes auto-learning components,


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