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Re: [ietf-dkim] A whole lotta +/-1

2007-12-11 15:30:30

Michael Thomas wrote:
Frank Ellermann wrote:
Michael Thomas wrote:

I don't see much if any support for changing the valid first party
signature consensus from rfc 5016, and I've
seen a whole lot of -1's.

I've seen a bunch of objections against the redefinition
of originator (i.e. more than Dave+me+Dave+me+Dave+me ;-)

Maybe a poll could help to get a clearer picture of your
"a whole lot of" and my "a bunch of".  If the Chairs like
the idea, Harald sometimes uses polls, but it's a matter
of taste.

I'm all for that if it puts an(other) end to many of these.

I've no problem with polling on some of the issues, but given
the traffic in recent days, I think we should wait a while to
give folks a chance to catch up with the list.


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