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RE: mostly open issues

1998-11-11 14:39:05
| 3.  Request: forward adds Resent-* headers.

This should be context dependent.  If the Sieve filter is run by the system
administrator, and forwarding is caused for site administrative reasons,
then the Resent headers probably should not be inserted.

On the other hand, if the Sieve filter is run by a user, causing a
forwarding, then the Resent headers should be added.

Perhaps a new action "resend", as a synonym to "forward", can be defined, to
cause the additional effect of inserting headers?

        resend  newaddress      # gets "Resent-*" headers added
        forward newaddress      # no "Resent-*" headers

Alan K. Stebbens <alan(_dot_)stebbens(_at_)software(_dot_)com>

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