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Re: When spoofing is.

2004-03-21 10:38:23

On Sun, Mar 21, 2004 at 01:24:08PM +0100, Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:

I don't think that sites such as those postcard sites are legitimate
services.  They are spoofing addresses, sending unsollicited email and
are very irresponsible when it comes down to handling errors.  They
make no effort at all to verify the initiating side is valid, nor do
they care if the receiving side is able to take their mail.

Perhaps you and I are thinking of different services.  I'm thinking of
the likes of  What are you thinking of?  It's
certainly legitimate, and it's typically unsolicited but not unwelcome
(the unstated assumption underlying unsolicited -- when people use
"unsolicited email" perjoratively, they mean both unsolicited and
unwelcome).  As for their error-handling, well, I've not heard of any
incidents involving Apple, but right now, most MTAs are as guilty of
your charges as postcard sites.  Even after MARID is published, adopted,
and embraced by the community, that will still be true.  

"... that the problems have been created ..." makes me feel personally
attacked; you are telling me I am seeing problems that are not real.
And you've repeated that.

Once again, no.  I'm saying the following:  If we create a solution, and
that solution seems prima facæ to be an attack against certain specific
legitimate services out of spite as well as spammers, it won't be taken

The odds of it being taken as such are high, given that this mailing
list is archived, and said spite has already been voiced.

I am not here to combat spam.  I am here to combat email fraud. Spam
is just one of many forms of fraud.

Could you list the others?  This goes back to the "[il]legitimate
spoofing" thread, and it'd be good to have suppositions about what you
view as "fraud" on the table.  Right now, I'm getting the impression
that it's any altering of the From: or ENVELOPE-FROM header.

Mark C. Langston                                    Sr. Unix SysAdmin
Systems & Network Admin                                SETI Institute                     

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