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Re: way out of the DNS problems? (former Re: delegation mechanism, Re: Trees have one root)

2002-08-02 14:39:21
On Fri, 02 Aug 2002 14:13:09 PDT, Einar Stefferud 
<Steflist(_at_)thor(_dot_)nma(_dot_)com>  said:

I, and all other users of the Internet, get to vote early and often 
for our candidate for "." just as called for in the DNS standards.

*I* get to vote early and often. *You* get to vote early and often.  Most of
the other 50-60 frequent posters here get to vote early and often.  Most
of the 30,000 or whatever subscribers *probably* get to vote early and often.

The vast majority of the half a billion people online get their votes done via
DHCP'ed proxy by their ISP, early and often.

Anybody who's ever had to work a help desk and explain to a Windows user
which IP goes in the nameserver and which IP goes in the default gateway
knows that letting the users vote early and often is a guaranteed operational
nightmare.  That nightmare is why DHCP exists. ;)

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