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Re: I'm not the microphone police, but ...

2005-08-03 05:17:01
I am sure large corporations would be more careful at sending their high-order IQ if they known that their inputs will tagged with the company name.

What a wonderful world it would be, if that were true...

I'm pretty sure that less than 0.001 percent of the management teams at my IETF sponsors since 1996 had any idea that I was even ATTENDING the IETF, and our process documents point out repeatedly that it's not necessary to actually attend IETF face-to-face meetings in order to participate in the IETF.

My current sponsor is quite clear that I am, and will be, participating in the IETF, but that's not true for most of the people I talk to on IETF mailing lists. It's quite possible to be an excellent document editor, and probably even a reasonable working group chair, with very minimal sponsor awareness. I've paid my own way to IETFs twice, both times as WG/BOF chairs, and I know that others have paid their own way many more times than I have.

If an employee doesn't fill out a travel authorization to attend the face to face meetings, does anyone on the management team even hear this tree fall?


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