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Re: Requirement to go to meetings

2011-10-27 09:42:51
On Oct 27, 2011, at 7:01 AM, Fred Baker wrote:

I think you're saying that there shouldn't be; at this instant, there 
actually is such a requirement.

Either you are incorrect, or the new MILE WG was chartered incorrectly. I'm 
hoping it is the former.

What there isn't a requirement for is a Bar BOF (and I would argue that there 
*is* a requirement that if a Bar BOF be held, it be held in a bar :-)

The MILE BarBoF in Quebec was certainly not in a bar. Further, the organizers 
went out of their way to encourage remote participation, and there was a 
presentation by phone of someone who had some interesting use scenarios that 
were put into the eventual charter. (Funny how this ties to the message that 
started this thread bak two or three levels of indirection.)

--Paul Hoffman

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