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Re: IETF Diversity Question on Berlin Registration?

2013-04-13 07:47:21

On 04/13/2013 01:09 PM, Lou Berger wrote:
gender bias
"western white guys".

It may be that the latter phrase is a common term in
north America, (I dunno) but fwiw it grates on me at

If the issue we're talking about relates to gender,
then I think sticking to that is better and figuring
out how to make progress ought be doable even if
dissecting past or current nomcom decisions is not. I
really hope the design team folks succeed there since
its quite possible, even if may take quite a while for
success to be fully apparent.

If we're talking about many more kinds of diversity
then that's a different discussion, and IMO English
language fluency and funding are by far the most
overwhelming sources of skew. Skin colour is (I hope,
but also believe) far down the list so the "white"
bit above appears from my perspective like name
calling or something.

And of course I personally don't consider myself
"western" but Irish. I've no clue if that makes a
difference in this kind of discussion:-)


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