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Re: The Nominating Committee Process: Eligibility

2013-06-27 11:41:55
On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Michael Richardson

Alia Atlas <akatlas(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:
    > I have attended one meeting remotely - and the experience is nothing
at all
    > like being at IETF.  I can see modifying NomCom eligibility
    > slightly - but I really do not think that remote attendees will have
    > necessary experience and acculturation unless they have attended a
number of
    > IETFs in person.

That's why, I am not in favour of significantly changing the criteria to
*become* nomcom eligible.  I really don't think anyone thinks that one can
become clueful about IETF culture without being there in person a few

That's possibly true.

That said, I have been to two meetings, none in the past five, and I
certainly don't think I'm automatically less clueful than all those who've
attended three of the past five.

In my favour, I've a few RFCs, including working group output, and I'm
co-chairing a working group.

Perhaps the volunteer selection process ought to be that working groups
provide a smallish set of volunteers each, and get rid of artificial
eligibility criteria which attempt to obliquely address real - and
important - criteria. I'd perhaps suggest that working group chairs cannot
be "volunteered" by their own working groups.

I suspect that doing things that way would both reflect participation
better, and produce a lot more engagement into the nomination process.
