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Re: Spam with date set in the future

2002-07-02 14:47:37
On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Professional Software Engineering wrote:

PSE> Keep in mind that if you REPROCESS mail - manually unpack a mailbox
PSE> into your procmail filters, you should have some way to disable that
PSE> particular filter, or you'll hose yourself for it.

Good point, But I'm comparing the date date with the from_ date so I
should be ok.  I do some fairly primitive reprocessing to age my mail
boxes using a script,  formail and procmail but that has its own
procmailrc file.

PSE> Additionally, there are some bright bulbs out there who run systems
PSE> that are sometimes over a YEAR off mark, so hopefully if you're
PSE> filtering the messages, it's not to /dev/null, and is perhaps at
PSE> AFTER greenlist handling, if you do that sort of thing.

Oh dear, they are going to be put in the spam box.  It will hang about in
the spam box for a week and then be aged on the from_ date.  If it does
turn out to be a problem, I'll remove the date checking.  But for now, bad
date = spam.

Actually, I don't seem to mind too much browsing the index of the spam box
but I get really irritated at spam in my mail box.

I wish I could filter better at my pop box host.  Yesterday, I had a look
at my pop box with the web interface from work and there was a 128k
message there which was filtered as klez when it was downloaded here in
the evening.  And today, a couple of obvious spams with identical subjects
that I saw hit the autoresponder as the log flashed by here.  In fact, I'm
considering having my pc dial up during the day, filter mail and send
valid mail back to a dedicated box at my pop box host.  I think I am
getting obsessive....


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