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Re: Auto reply?

2003-04-29 17:51:46
On Tuesday, Apr 29, 2003, at 15:49 Canada/Mountain, multimedia-fan(_at_)myrealbox(_dot_)com wrote:
You asked:
Is there a way that I organize the spam detection in the BODY of the
message to fgrep certain words that I was told to filter out?

to which Tony replied:
 You just send the body to the program in question, and the manual is
easy to understand regarding this.

It is obvious that YOU and him are the idiots.
You still cannot read what I asked for which Dallman Ross answered few
days ago.

I quoted your EXACT words. And Tony's EXACT reply. The question you asked is CLEARY explained in the man pages which, according to you, you didn't have time to read.

And you still cannot read, yet somehow you operate a computer, I called
him an illiterate moron because he flamed me for replying to his email
instead of the list while I was replying to his email which was to my
private email not to the list, and then when he got what he deserved
posting the private communication to the list, therefore making a
complete ass of himself.

Funny, I don't think it was HE who was shown to be a complete ass.

Looking at your responses so far, it is obvious that you are on the same
level like him.

Thank you.  I don't think it's true, but I appreciate the compliment.

I don't care if few idiots like you or him not reading my message,

You do have a problem with reading comprehension, don't you.  To wit:

At that
point I suspect several people added you to their "Don't help this
fucktard" list. ***Oddly, I'm not one of them.*** I don't think it's worth
the effort to keep track of who's an idiot.

you don't add anything to the discussions to begin with,

that's true, by the time I read your original post Tony had already accurately, and politely, answered it. There would have been little point in my posting.

your likes are unfortunately plaguing such mailing lists trying to police them to their

Hey, about the only issue I ever take much of a stand on is when the moron patrol creeps out of the woodwork posting their tofu. I don't even get after the semi-regular and (somewhat) principled top-posters, just those who insist that the entire body of the message the replied to (list footers, signatures, &c) all be included every time they post.

I don't need any help from your likes.

Funny, you seem to ask quite a few questions.

Your likes and Tony's like live on the attention they get by being rude
and displaying arrogance, I will stop feeding your type at this point.

Nah, if that were the case I would post FAR more often. I just don't like it when someone who is "too busy" for "little details" like "reading" goes and attacks the people who are trying to help them. If you check my posts to the list most of them, I suspect, involve jumping in when some loudmouth starts whining about how "hard" the man pages are or how "rude" some people are.

You try sitting at a desk under a sign that says "Restrooms, first hall on the right" and having peopel come up to you over and over again, for years, asking where the restrooms are.

See how polite you are.

Oh, and you're not getting paid to sit there either. It's all volunteer.

Then imagine when some asshole gets mad at you because all you did was point at the sign and say "it's right there if you read it." and "didn't answer the question."

[BTW, I don't know Tony other than his posts to this mailing list. In fact, I don't know anyone on this list outside this list. DOn't think I'm sticking up for a flesh-friend or something. I simply don't appreciate it when the people who are here all the time answering questions get abused. last time it was Sean, IIRC, who had some platzer slamming him.

If we get through this alive I'll meet you next week same place same time

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