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Re: changing headers upon forwarding

2003-09-09 12:05:35
On 9 Sep 2003 Nikolaus Hiebaum (news(_at_)hiebaum(_dot_)org) wrote:

I forward the e-mails arriving at account#1 to account#2. Sometimes,
however, the host of account#2 is down for some time and the senders of
e-mails get an error message. People don't know about account#2 and
shall not, and the whole thing of receiving a bounce from an address
they don't know with an e-mail addressed to me confuses them.

 --- snip ---

I also do this type of thing, namely

 senderX --> me(_at_)account1 --(fwd via procmail)--> me(_at_)account2

and in my setup, when there is a problem at account2, the reject
message goes to me(_at_)account1 but I actually want the reject
message to go to senderX. It seems that you and I should exchange

But seriously, it seems odd to me that your account2 is sending
the reject message all the way back to senderX. Do you have any
control over the account2 system? Do you know what SMTP server
it's using and how it is configured? I am wondering if the
account2 system is using something other than the envelope to
determine where the reject messages go. If so, that is a problem!

I'm curious to hear what other people have to say about this.

Nancy McGough            <>            Infinite Ink
Writing about procmail, imap, pine, spam-deflexion strategies & more

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