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Re: Can an rc file be bypassed?

2004-03-18 12:42:04

Thanks for your reply.

After experimenting a bit, I've settled on that approach:

        | cat - >> /var/tmp/spamstore

I found that I could symlink to that location from my IMAP folder
directory, and as long a permissions are correct (I created an init
script to make sure), it works fine. Not sure, but I'd expect maildir to
 work similarly.

Looks like I will do something similar (but noting the follow up messages
to your post). Seems neutral territory is the best place to be with this.

Same here, all! This approach is far simpler, less error-prone, and no
doubt faster than forwarding.

The more I think abaout it the reason I did what I did was because
historically I have run up against this type of problem before (different
senario, same outcome).

Whilst this solves how I can deal with 'catching' SA tagged meassges at
the top of the process, it does not quite fit another issue (albeit
simiar) I have. This being the 'desire' to catch the odd message that
comes in on my general email account (delivered to wife) and receive them
in my specific mail folders.

Given the restraints on permissions, and the fact that I don't want this
messages to be in neutral space, I will have to think about another

I think I will look into something that Sean touched on in his post on
this query first time through.

Thanks all, learning lots.......but slightly perplexed.



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