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Re: genuine email got blocked as spam

2005-06-29 16:21:47
On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Michelle Konzack wrote:
Am 2005-06-29 21:11:33, schrieb Matthias Haeker:

MDeferred: 450 <anybody(_at_)world(_dot_)de>: Recipient address rejected:
Greylisted for 300 seconds

With this error, you should retry to send the message within the
300 Seconds, which mean, if you send an (unverified) message, the
receiving host reject it and after 300 Seconds it is bounced.

Now, spamers (viruses, bots) do not try to send again, if a host
reject like this. but a REAL Server would retry to send it.

Set the first retry to 60-120 seconds and it will work.

Note that the others responding to this thread suggest that you *must wait* 300+ seconds for it to work. You're saying you need to retry *before* 300 seconds.

This isn't the first time I've seen this type of confusion regarding graylisting. It seems that even the experts can't make up their minds what it is, how to implement it, and so on. Which is why I don't use it. Also, my users would probably prefer to receive spam quickly (and have it filtered by spamassassin for them) than receive legitimate mail with an hour delay. And I would prefer to not have to hack it to work with AOL, Hotmail, and various random ISPs.

Furthermore, there is the question of what happens if the sender retries too soon (say I tried emailing you at 1:59, got greylisted, and tried at 2:00 when my queue was processed: would i be greylisted again, or rejected for trying too soon?).

Overall, the queue retry seems to be the one thing that qmail has over sendmail -- qmail has exponential backoff, whereas sendmail just tries once an hour (or whatever). So a sendmail client may take an hour to get mail to a server that does graylisting. Not fast enough for me or my users.

Damian Menscher
-=#| Physics Grad Student & SysAdmin @ U Illinois Urbana-Champaign |#=-
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