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Re: ideas on splitting mail saved by Outlook to IMAP folder

2006-05-29 09:10:12
G.W. Haywood schreef:

Not a Perl list, but I just couldn't resist.


# Reads stdin, does some minor editing, outputs to stdout.


  use strict ;
  use warnings ;

my $line_is_not_empty = 1;
while(<>)                                   # Read the input

Change that to

  while (my $line = <>)

(but you could as well drop $line and use $_ all the way)

    my $line = $_ ;

Now that last line can go.

    if( $line =~ m/^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX / )  # Ignore silly lines

That if-block be replaced by the line

      next if line =~ /^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX / ; Ignore

    $line .= "\n";                          # Add newline

Can go, because $line already has a "\n" at the end.

    $line =~ s/\r//;                        # Remove any CR

Change to

  s/\r+\n$/\n/, s/\r/ /g for $line ;

    $line =~ s/\n\n/\n/;                    # Remove duplicate LF

That last line can go.

    if( $line =~ m/^\n$/s )                 # Clear the flag
      $line_is_not_empty = 0;
      $line_is_not_empty = 1;

Replace that if/else-block with the line:

     $line_is_not_empty = ( $line =~ /./ ) ;

    print $line;                            # Output the line
if( $line_is_not_empty ) { print "\n"; }    # Add a newline if flag

So the whole thing becomes:

# Reads stdin, does some minor editing, outputs to stdout.

  use strict ;
  use warnings ;

  my $saw_empty_line = 0;

  while ( <> )                              # read line
    next if /^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX / ;        # skip sillies
    s/\r+\n$/\n/, s/\r/ /g ;                # pacify any CRs
    $saw_empty_line = /^\n/ ;
    print ;                                 # write line
  print "\n" unless $saw_empty_line ;       # add a newline


Groet, Ruud

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