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Re: how blacklisting will work in the future

2004-01-13 08:16:31
On Tue, 2004-01-13 at 14:01, Meng Weng Wong wrote:

If it leads to user complaints, I don't expect ISPs will do it.  Can you
give me a scenario for how a large ISP will try to enlarge its user base
by denying incoming mail from "no reputation available" domains?

Sure. A large ISP could simply try to convince their users that all they
want to achieve by denying emails from "no reputation sites" is keeping
all the spam away from their users. Current users of small sites will
have no other option than to switch over to a large ISP that can build
up spf reputation easily. For small sites, this could result in sort of
a locked-in situation: They can't build reputation other than by
delivering email messages, however, they can't deliver email messages
without reputation. 
I would like to see large ISPs offer a per-user configuration framework
so these decisions can be overridden at each user's discretion.

So would I, but I do wonder whether or not large ISPs will really be
interested in providing such a framework: It will cost them effort and
money, and they will have an advantage over small sites if they simply
deny emails from "no reputation" sites.

Best wishes and regards, 


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