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RE: Logo aka branding aka identity issue

2004-05-26 13:17:29
Brad Glore wrote:
What about an open mailbox with the flag up AND
the SPF "wax seal" stamped on the side of the mail box.
An envelope coming out of the mailbox or half way out.
The outgoing envelope would have a tiny identical "wax seal".
Or three letters ie:XYZ could print below the SPF wax seal on
the mailbox and the same XYZ would be on the outgoiong 
envelopes top right corner (return address).

This becomes too complex for a logo. I heard good ideas, but please keep
in mind the following: the organization that puts the SPF logo on their
page cares the most about visitors seeing _their_ content, not the SPF
logo. Which is why the logo has to be reasonably small and not too
overwhelming. As sexy as the Verisign flash logo is, I also heard people
that would not put it on their web page because it is too fluffy and
distracts the visitor from the real content.

Size does matter for logos. On my own page, the logo bar is 35 pixels
high, which does not leave room for details. The small logo does not
need to be the same as the large one, but they MUST be identified easily
as being the same thing.

Wayne wrote:
Could you try adding the outline of the envelope?  Yeah,
the seal would have to be way oversized, but I think that
would be ok.

I will put the wax seal on the back of an envelope, obviously way
oversized (I will also change the font and emboss higher) but don't get
too excited about it, as it might not work out when scaled down. The
problem with the wax is that it is a low-contrast scheme (letters the
same color as the background) which renders the letters in the middle
unreadable if too small. 
