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Re: libspf vs libspf2? Hunh?

2004-07-01 14:20:31
On Thu, 2004-07-01 at 13:52, gmc(_at_)metro(_dot_)cx wrote:

Speaking of which, what is the status of the case-sensitivity in
libsrs?? I suggested a one-line fix to the library, is that something I
should send you a patch for, will this be in the next version? I realize
this list is not the best place to mention this, but the forums seem a
bit dead.

I'll pretend to be ignorant of the reasons for why that is so.  The
status is that someone has applied it and it will likely be announced at
the same time as RC3 or follow it shortly.  If you want to be involved
in testing by all means fire me off an e-mail offlist and we can arrange
a time etc.

Apart from the case-thingy, that patch i posted should work like a charm
for libsrs.

Yep, and I thank you for your efforts, your time and the time spent by
others is certainly appreciated.  I would encourage anyone feeling like
contributing in any way to make it known (on the DEVEL list if possible)
that they wish to contribute and how.  Its important to make use of the
lists because not only does this help to keep conversation in the right
places but it provides a layer of transparency to the other developers
of this project who can then be aware of what is happening and time is
not spent wasting away at something that someone else is also doing or
has completed.  That being said, if you have written a patch against one
of the alternative SRS implementations like GMC had, and have the time
to modify your MTA patch to work with libsrs, please don't hesitate.

Actually, i was also a bit confused with the milter stuff. If someone in
the list says 'the milter', i always thought it was the one on the
spf.pobox.com website, but apparently there are others.

I believe this is the result of the way in which it was announced.  The
individuals responsible for the miscarriage of better judgement that is
libspf2/libspf-alt seem to have tried to integrate the release into
their own to library, which combined with the lack of an official link
or update on the spf.pobox.com site has resulted in only further
confusion.  I wonder when it will stop.



James Couzens,
http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xBD3BF855

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