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Re: wizard.html problems

2004-07-02 20:13:47
Koen Martens wrote:

I have received the source for the wizard and the real
version on spf.pobox.com will be w3c compliant within the
next 24 hours.

Once again thanks.  The day before yesterday I tried to fix the
document using <base href="spf.pobox.com" /> (just by killing
all JS / inline style / valign / background stuff, whatever
was wrong should then be clear), but after an hour and in line
70 of about 400 I realized that "fixing" a page with a form
resulting in another page with the same form is futile... ;-)

If you see an obvious way to test arbitrary sender policies
entered manually in the textarea for the result please add a
note how this is supposed to work.  Otherwise use something
like disabled="disabled" or readonly="readonly" for the result:

I'm not sure what's better, my legacy browsers don't support
it, but the idea is probably to copy and paste the result (?)

I could also test your version with Lynx if that helps, there
are some subtle differences between "valid" and "visible with
any browser".
                Bye, Frank

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