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Re: Are SPF fault tolerant ? How to make SPF records changed correctly ?

2004-07-14 18:54:43
[Seth Goodman]
Why? I'm paying my provider at hourly rate for their Internet
Services (read

You misunderstand what I was saying.  The example you gave is that you
are were traveling in Singapore, your ISP is in the U.S. and you needed
to send a message to someone in Singapore.  A local ISP in Singapore
would not a accept your message, signed by DK or otherwise, because they
have no idea who you are and you are _not_ their customer.  If they did,
they would be running an open relay and they would be quickly

I use _my_ Singapore ISP smtp server to send mail to _another_ Singapore

"An open relay is a mail server that does not limit its services to a closed
list of registered users - it is open for use, or abuse, by anyone. An open
relay doesn't check the source IP of the sender."

ISP clients list are "closed list of registered users".
Checks performed against IPs assigned to dial-up clients of this ISP.

As well I do know any reasons other that SPF why another Singapore ISP will
deny email delivery to their client using direct smtp connection (without
using _my_  Singapore ISP smtp).
Here is how SPF different from DK. SPF requires me to use my USA server. DK
require me/my server to sign message but allow to use any server.

BTW, Try to send message with "From: user(_at_)anything(_dot_)com" using your 
ISP smtp
server and report results here.
You have wrong understanding of "open relay".

Andriy G. Tereshchenko
TAG Software
Odessa, Ukraine

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