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Re: Article in Oakland (CA) Tribune

2004-10-21 11:42:10
James Couzens wrote:

See! They *DO* pay attention!

Lets be honest here, a milter is great for testing, but will we see a
patch against the source code?

Have you reviewed my library and Sendmail source patches?
Why would we expect a patch to the sendmail source with "yet another standard outside RFC2821" when M=milters are the officially supported extension framework for Sendmail. Sendmail itself writes milters for features over patching source. This is _why_ extension systems exist.

Apache's modules are widely adopted and in heavy production use and no one expects them to be included in the Apache core.

// Theo Schlossnagle
// Principal Engineer -- http://www.omniti.com/~jesus/
// Postal Engine -- http://www.postalengine.com/
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