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Re: SRS/SES mailing lists?

2004-11-09 11:03:28
On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 12:46 -0500, Paul Iadonisi wrote:

  My basic question is, though I understand the principle difference
between SRS and SES (SRS rewrites MAIL FROM for forwarded mail where SES
rewrites MAIL FROM for all outgoing mail), does SES solve, or attempt to
solve the same forwarding problem that SRS does?  Because if it does,
I'm wondering why time is being spent on SRS when SES provides the
additional protection of preventing false bounces even when implemented

SES does indeed.  In fact, SES could even be used without SPF all
together.  SES has been designed with several fall back positions to
facilitate longevity in the event of some sour events stemming from a
certain companies involvement in SPF related matters.  Futhermore it
intentionally works with SPF to allow those publishing to instantly take
advantage with little additional effort.  Its design also allows for
flexibility both in deployment and configuration.

  I ask because I'm on too many mailing lists as it is.  If there are
mailing lists for both, I'm probably only going to pick one.  I'm just
at a loss as to which one I should join.  I'll look up where to sign up
for them myself.  I'm just looking for a little guidance as to what to
spend my time with.  I'll stay open to changing my mind about it later
if need be, but given the noise level on this list for the past many
weeks, I will *only* consider technical info, not personality info.

SRS can work, but its clearly not very desirable through the fact that
code has been available a very long time and yet deployment is
practically nonexistent.   A certain individual falsely accused me of
things relating to SRS but I assure you, I was paid to develop libSRS by
pobox.com and then subsequently alienated through political matters.  I
got paid, I've got little to be bitter about considering its become
quite clear its not the ideal solution.

Seth, Roger, myself, Tony, Stuart, and others have worked very hard in
turning SES into what it is today which is shaping up to be an
exceptionally strong competitor against DK, IIM, and the other
alternatives, and best of all, it solves SPF's forwarding problem and
works happily along with it.



James Couzens,
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http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7A7C7DCF