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MIME charset and I18N/L10N (was: East vs West)

1994-10-31 19:38:25
Maybe it is, but other than your own good self, there are few if any other
Asians on this list coming out in either support or opposition to UNICODE. 
Maybe there are no other Asians on this list.  If so, we better rectify
that situation before we design MIME charset support totally around what
you want to see happen.  There may be other viewpoints of which are
currently unaware. 

"before we design MIME charset support"? Your goal is wrong.

In this mail, let me speak as a coordinator of the
internationalization/localizatiton WG of APNG (Asian Pacific Networking
Group) to represent the group.

We know internationalization and localizattion are different.

Even MIME enthusiasts in Japan, in which I'm not included, now seems to
have finally understood that "charset" labelling is to distinguish
localizations and UNRELATED to internationalization.

So, we better let MIME charset as is and go toward the remaining job
of internationalization of e-mail. How to do it is written in our
(APNG formerly was named APCCIRN) internet draft on ISO-2022-INT-*.

Any objections? I guess there remains some people who still think
locale solves everything, dispite of its name: "locale".

Being an Australian,

Rhys "Just another Western barbarian" Weatherley.

Australians are not bad, I hope.

                                                Masataka Ohta

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