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East vs West (was Re: NULL)

1994-10-31 15:53:32
On Mon, 31 Oct 1994, Masataka Ohta wrote:

I really hope this Western barbarians are cultivated a little to be
able to notice that forcing, or merely suggesting, to use UNICODE is
the cultural insult to us.

Maybe it is, but other than your own good self, there are few if any other
Asians on this list coming out in either support or opposition to UNICODE. 
Maybe there are no other Asians on this list.  If so, we better rectify
that situation before we design MIME charset support totally around what
you want to see happen.  There may be other viewpoints of which are
currently unaware. 

Being an Australian, I am very aware of the huge market Asia represents
for my country and would like to have a piece of that market for myself. 
But I would like a clear indication from a much wider sample of the Asian
e-mail using population before I decide to support one thing or another. 

Dismissing UNICODE as a product of Western barbarianism does it a great
injustice.  There are some technical flaws that you have pointed out, 
notably CJK unification, but barbarianism isn't one of them.  Let's not 
turn the charset debate into an "us vs them" flamefest.


Rhys "Just another Western barbarian" Weatherley.

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