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Re: [Asrg] definition of spam (was Re: consent expression)

2003-03-05 12:06:40
On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 12:32:41PM -0500, Chris Lewis wrote:
Brad Templeton wrote:
The purpose of a definition of spam is to use legal tactics against
it, typically in contract law, but also possibly in statute.

But that's not what we're defining spam _here_ for. Here we merely 
need a rough working definition so that we know what we're talking 

Here, a rough working definition of "Unsolicited bulk email" is more 
than satisfactory and can help guide potential solutions.  Because 
"unsolicited" and "bulk" is what is causing the problem we're seeing 

So long as any proposed protocol change doesn't have to say things
like, "If it meets our definition of spam, it must be tagged as thus,
or the user's consent must be confirmed."   I agree, and am
happy to move on to the next issue.
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