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RE: [Asrg] Its all over for Challenge Response

2004-02-11 14:55:56

At 04 February 2004 03:03 Andreas Saurwein wrote:-

At 2/2/2004 01:59 Monday, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:
I don't want my ISP making arbitrary decisions about what mail I receive,
I want to make those decisions myself, although I will probably use
third party info to do so.

Phill, I think that you are making the almost usual mistake here in this
group that you assume that everybody on the internet has an idea what they
are doing. These days are over. Since about 10 years people using the
internet have not a single idea about the technical side of it.
99.9% of all mail users would be more than happy when their ISP would do
anything to suppress their spam. If this costs some legitimate mails
occasionally, ok, so be it. People are used to it.

How does that detract from Pill's point?  Where is the problem in the ISP
offering an optional blocking service?

The ISP I use for my home machines offers an optional spam-blocking service.
I chose to switch it on for my systems. It quarantines incoming spam for a
limted time (a few days), so I can pick it up if I want it.  It doesn't send
me stupid notifications about having received spam, it lets me look at the
quarantine area on the MTA when I feel like it. That's an ordinary IPS
targeting the mass of consumers, most of whom are certainly too unaware to
do their own filtering (just as you suggest) but they are certainly not so
dumb that they don't understand the options the ISP is offereing them. I
believe the vast majority have the filtering switched on.

For my work machine, I don't use any external spam filtering. Different
world, different choice.

Where I do get more complex than the average user is in the use of
disposable addresses and addresses where the spam filter is on sometimes and
not at other times; I wouldn't expect the average internet to use those
things.  I would be fairly annoyed if my ISP prevented me from using them. I
would be even more annoyed if the advice of some techie (perhaps you?) with
too low an opinion of the average user caused the ISP to pull the plug on
optional filtering (either making it mandatory or not available). That would
be real dumbing down.


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