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Re: [ietf-smtp] Dombox - A Zero Spam Mail System

2019-09-26 07:43:59
On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 07:25:01AM -0400, Keith Moore wrote:
Except that spam is still a problem in many ways:?? If you want effective
spam filtering you pretty much have to use a "big email service" or pay a
lot of money for an appliance. 

Not true.  There are a lot of defensive techniques that are simple,
inexpensive, have great FP/FN ratios, are low-bandwidth, are computation
and memory-efficient, maintainable/tunable, and scalable.

Don't believe the hype from the appliance vendors -- all they've done
is take all this stuff (and the open-source software that implements it)
and throw it in a box with a point-and-drool GUI for the incompetent
lusers who can't work at the command line.


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