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Re: spam

2001-07-20 14:30:02
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 02:16:46PM -0600, Vernon Schryver wrote:
From: "Marshall T. Rose" <mrose(_at_)dbc(_dot_)mtview(_dot_)ca(_dot_)us>
What would you say if many of the many third party RFC repositories
started sending you periodic reminders to update your biographical and
bibliographical entries?  So far it seems that only this single
outfit is doing that, and that's part of why I agreed that you might
decide you had or would solicit this bulk mail and so say it is not spam.
But if you don't draw the on principle, how do you draw it at all?

You draw the line based on the fact that you put your contact information
in a publication in the first place. If you don't want to be contacted
about an RFC you've written then don't put any contact information
in it. IMNSHO, the simple act of putting your contact information
in there is a solicitation for contact about that document, bulk or

in fact, i'll go out on a limb and say that i'd certainly be happy if the
rfc editor had the resources to maintain such a database.

That's a whole other issue that has nothing to do with this bulk mail.

I think you can make a case that submitting an I-D to the RFC Editor
includes to a solicitation for related bulk mail from the Editor for
at least the life of the I-D.  Shepherding an I-D until it gets an
RFC number may also amount to a lifetime solicitation of bulk mail
from the Editor.  Thus, if this stuff were sent on behalf of the RFC
Editor maintaining such a database, it would be solicited bulk mail
and so not spam.

Nope. If you don't want to be contacted about the document you wrote/co-wrote
then don't put the contact info in there in the first place. What
is it there for if not to contact you about that document, regardless
of whether or not the contact is automated or not?


Michael Mealling        |      Vote Libertarian!       | urn:pin:1
michael(_at_)neonym(_dot_)net      |                              |

    Democracy gives an aura of legitimacy to acts that 
    would otherwise be deemed tyranny.
                                         -- Walter Williams

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