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Re: draft-moonesamy-ietf-conduct-3184bis

2013-09-03 15:36:27

Barry Leiba <barryleiba(_at_)computer(_dot_)org> wrote:
That does seem better, but don't all parties have an obligation to
to communicate clearly?

The new text is as follows:

  Participants, particularly those with English as a first language,
  to accommodate the needs of other participants by communicating

Participants try to accommodate each other.

I agree with Scott that the stuff between the commas doesn't belong

That is, it doesn't belong *here*; it can certainly go into a sentence
or paragraph with advice for native English speakers.  Consider
something like this instead:

  Participants must do their best to accommodate the needs of other
  participants by communicating clearly.  When faced with English that
is difficult to understand, we must all make the effort to understand
  nonetheless, engaging in conversation to clarify what was meant.
Native English speakers, in particular, should be careful with the use
of slang and cultural references that might not be well known to

That might not be exactly right; please try to understand me, and
tweak as necessary.

I do think that's better. In my experience, once code of conduct type language 
is codified, eventually someone will try to use it as a hammer. It needs to be 
crafted with this assumption in mind. 


Scott K