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Re: where to put the .procmailrc file.

2001-01-09 17:58:09
Joao asked,

if a user don't have a .procmailrc file the mail delivery don't function?

Collin answered,

| Mail delivery will function, but procmail will only use
| /etc/procmailrc if the user's home directory has no .procmailrc file.

Oh my.  Precision, precision, Collin.

The second independent clause of that sentence as Collin typed it is
syntactically incorrect, and unfortunately it can be interpreted two ways.
One of the two is false; the other is true.

"... but procmail will use /etc/procmailrc only if the user's home directory
 has no .procmailrc file," is false.  Certainly Collin didn't mean it that
 way, but that was the first reading that popped into my mind, and at first
 I thought Collin had made an error of fact as well as one of syntax.

"... but procmail will use only /etc/procmailrc if the user's home directory
 has no .procmailrc file," is true, and it must be what Collin meant to say.

If procmail is invoked with no rcfile named on the command line and without
the -p option, procmail will use the recipes and assignments in
/etc/procmailrc first.  If procmail gets to the end of /etc/procmailrc
without completing delivery, it will do the following:

 DROPPRIVS=yes # give up root rights and run as the recipient


 # if ~/.procmailrc doesn't exist, isn't readable, isn't safe,
 # or didn't complete delivery, we arrive here


 * $ ! ORGMAIL ?? ^^$DEFAULT^^

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