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Re: where to put the .procmailrc file.

2001-01-11 17:15:05
Don wrote in response to Nilanjan's question,

| Not trying to put words in David's (or Collin's) mouth(s)... I believe
| what David was conveying is that if procmail gets to the end of
| /etc/procmailrc without delivering the message, it _effectively_ drops
| priviledges and tries to process the user's $HOME/.procmailrc. And, if
| that fails, it delivers to $DEFAULT or, failing that, to $ORGMAIL. I
| don't believe he was saying you need to put his particular code in
| /etc/procmailrc to make that happen. It just does.

That's right, and I'm sorry if it was unclear the way I posted it.  The
code in my earlier post was what procmail will do on its own if it gets to
the end of /etc/procmailrc without completing delivery, or if there is no
/etc/procmailrc.  That code should *not* be written into /etc/procmailrc;
it is already there implicitly.

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