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Re: How to excluding the newline in Headers scan?

2002-05-02 13:16:04
      My problem is where the Subject was splited for example:

Subject: Re: Final reminder:  M.Sc. Student  Seminar  
         TOMORROW 2/5/02,
         Ohad Barak, Tami Friedlnader

      adn I need to see this "\n" and make a different between
      "02,\n *Ohad"  and  "02,Ohad"

Ah - I see!

If you can rely on the breaks being where you expect then David (as
usual) has the solution.

However, I don't believe that you can rely on those newlines surviving
the transfer from sender to recipient, nor can you rely on new newlines
not being inserted in transit.  Mail transport can legitimately (if I
understand correctly) fold and unfold your headers and there is no way
of knowing if the newlines that are in the received mail's headers were
or were not there when the mail was sent.

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