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Re: processing email that bounces

2002-05-23 22:03:04
Sean had asked,

Going far afield here, but just to complete this, WHAT does Smartlist use
for envelope sender on the messages it resends - does it toss the
listowner's own address in there, or the list address itself?

I'm very sure that it uses listname-request.  Paul has written,

| Smartlist doesn't bother with any listowner's till later. In the
| /etc/aliases file, there is:
| listname: "|"
| listname-request: "|"

| Listname-request handles all administrative requests, i.e.,
| sub/unsubscribe, help, info, etc. as well as bouncing emails. It has
| always been this way.

That's what I was going to say about it as well (in different words, but the
same meaning).

| Adding an 'owner-listname:' to the whole mess isn't rocket science,
| however a suitable 'owner-listname:' filter will need to be put together.
| If I get something together, I'll offer it up to the Smartlist bunch for
| consideration.

I remember the Smartlist documentation stating that an owner-listname alias
was unnecessary and incompatible with Smartlist.  I had an owner-listname
alias for a list I ran by hand for years; then we moved to another server with
a different MTA and the existence of the owner-listname alias was clobbering
the envelope sender information (both in Return-Path: and in the From_ line)
on all incoming posts.  It turned out that what owner-listname was doing was
what it was designed to do, and I had simply never known its true purpose
before.  So I asked the admin to create listname-owner to replace it for the
uses I intended and, after two weeks to let any NDNs to trickle back in, to
disable owner-listname.

Owner-listname's canonical behavior is a vestige from the days when mailing
lists were nothing but :include: aliases that reflected any mail to the list
back out to all members with no processing, and I personally consider it

procmail mailing list

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