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Re: processing email that bounces

2002-05-24 00:43:37

On Thu, 23 May 2002, David W. Tamkin wrote:

I remember the Smartlist documentation stating that an owner-listname alias
was unnecessary and incompatible with Smartlist.  I had an owner-listname

[bla, bla]
on all incoming posts.  It turned out that what owner-listname was doing was
what it was designed to do, and I had simply never known its true purpose
before.  So I asked the admin to create listname-owner to replace it for the
uses I intended and, after two weeks to let any NDNs to trickle back in, to
disable owner-listname.

Owner-listname's canonical behavior is a vestige from the days when mailing
lists were nothing but :include: aliases that reflected any mail to the list
back out to all members with no processing, and I personally consider it

So are you saying that there is some 'Smartypants' out there who is
willing to cut a check for the shortcomings of this philosophy?


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