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Re: Spamming list members

2002-09-12 19:50:12
Alan wrote,

| My view on that one is that I would have prefered you to have replied to
| the list so that the original correspondent would have been made aware
| that I had posted :O instead of :0

The original correspondent was made aware when you, after having read my
private message to you, posted your own correction.

I was in a really rotten mood that day, and I didn't trust myself to point out
the mistake in a way that would inform the original poster without ridiculing
you and therefore without making me look like a jerk as well, so I decided
that you and I would both come out smelling better if I told you off-list so
that you could correct yourself on-list instead.  Yes, I had read your
.signature, and I knew you'd pylm me, but I chose to put up with being pylmed.

If you feel I should just have exposed your error on-list instead, you didn't
say so at the time.

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