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Re: Comments on this way to use procmail with virtual domains

2007-06-02 02:14:50
On Sat, Jun 02, 2007 02:24:35 AM -0600, LuKreme (kremels(_at_)kreme(_dot_)com)

On 2-Jun-2007, at 01:57, LuKreme wrote:
On 1-Jun-2007, at 05:17, Marco Fioretti wrote:
me(_at_)virtualdomain1(_dot_)net   : "|/absolute/path/to/procmail -m 
joe(_at_)virtualdomain2(_dot_)com  : "|/absolute/path/to/procmail -m 
jane(_at_)virtualdomain1(_dot_)net : "|/absolute/path/to/procmail -m 

OK, the more I think about this the more I want to try it out.  I
looked at the forum you linked to, but instructions for postfix
where not to be found. Have you found anyone that is actually doing
this with postfix

Not yet. Actually, I am already using procmail with PostFix virtual
users, but in the other way described below.

Wrt to _this_ approach, I've also asked on the postfix list, but they
reminded me one thing I had forgotten, that is that in PostFix you
can't do the above with virtual aliases... I remain very interested to
figure out how this can be done with PostFix running only virtual
domains, any comment is appreciated.

With postfix you can still define procmail as a virtual_transport and
pass to it the recipient address. Something *like*, conceptually:

procmail -a recipient(_at_)virtualdomain common_rc_file.rc

where common_rc_file.rc looks like:

#define common variables, base maildir, etc...


But the solution above looked interesting too.

With respect to automation and maintenance, since Sean (IIRC) and
others mentioned concerns from this point of view: I agree that,
however one implements this kind of trick into a specific MTA, it is
not scalable, that is you can't probably manage it efficiently at an
ISP/large business scale.

But I am specifically interested in how to set up the most *flexible*
and featured email "solution":

* with the smallest possible number of FOSS packages which are
  available as official single binaries on almost all GNU/Linux or
  *BSD distros (not the case with maildrop on centos, for example)

* for _small_ groups of users: families, small companies, charities,
  all with <= 50 users anyway, which change very seldom

Any feedback remains very appreciated, especially if PostFix-specific,
on both solutions: the one with which I began this thread and the
other outlined above in this message.

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