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Re: SPF will solve spam and punish spammers

2004-07-23 14:40:08
On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 14:28, David Brodbeck wrote:
On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 21:14:10 +0200, Michel Bouissou wrote
Le vendredi 23 Juillet 2004 21:03, John Keown a écrit :

If you can not afford $500 a year then you cannot afford to run a domain 
a mailserver.
My reason for this is it takes more than $500 a year to keep up with the
technology of running as GOOD SECURE mail server.

This assertion is real stupid. Get out of your strictly corporate 

I see a lot of this assumption starting to creep into these conversations --
the idea that only corporations have a "right" to run email systems.  It
worries me.

I woke up this morning and was on my way over to read this list when I
nearly tripped over this cryptic message some mysterious individual made
with my Tinker Toys!

     o-o                                      o
       |                                      |
      -O- o-o     o-o o-o oo o   o   o o-o  o-O
       |  | |     '-|   | | | / \ / \  '-| |  |
       o  o-o     o-o   o-o-o  o   o   o-o  o-o

  o-o  o  o  o-o   o-o  o  o     o   o  O    o--o  o-o 
     |  / | o   o o   o  / |     |/ \| \ /  |   |     |
  o-o    OO |   | |   |   OO     | O |o---o  o--O  o-o 
 |      \ | o   o o   o  \ |     |   ||   |     | |    
 o--o  o  o  o-o   o-o  o  o     o   oo   o     o  o--o

Can anyone help me figure out what it says ?!?!



James Couzens,
http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xBD3BF855

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