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RE: Opening Debate on SPF vs. SenderKeys

2004-08-20 08:32:47
AccuSpam wrote:
That is indicative of Mozilla problems.  At < 1% marketshare, that buggy 
browser is not mainstream, nor worth effort to code for.

Looks perfect in IE.

<1%?  Are you sure?  Check your stats:
I count 3% (Mozilla + Netscape 7)

Of course if someone can't use your site they won't come back, so your non-IE 
traffic is likely to be much lower than the internet's as a whole.

When you say "looks perfect in IE", you probably mean "looks perfect in the 
browser I happen to be using" - probably IE6 - did you check IE 5?  Did you 
check IE 5 on a mac?

Is the problem with Mozilla, or with your site?  That is to say, is your site 
relying on an IE bug... or is Mozilla the browser with the bug?  Check your 
code against the W3C's specifications to be sure.

805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./HireDiversity.com         Software Engineer
perl -e"map{y/a-z/l-za-k/;print}shift" "Jjhi pcdiwtg Ptga wprztg,"