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Re: Apache Foundation and SenderID

2004-09-03 08:25:20
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Paul Iadonisi wrote:
| On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 16:37, James Couzens wrote:
| [snip]
|>back to the public?  Take off eh? LOL.  Come back when you have a clue,
|>or better yet, just don't come back.
|   Given the Eric Allman quote that Yakov Shafranovich on the MARID list
| at http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1639576,00.asp and Microsoft's
| recent disengagement from the UN standards group, I would not be one bit
| surprised if the Microsoft did pack up its toys and go home.
| [snip]

It would be interesting if MS withdraws from the process, and goes ahead
and implements not only an unfriendly license, but an incompatable SMTP
replacement in Outlook and Exchange.

It would be interesting to see who would win this test of wills. MS or
the rest of the world.

While there has been a pretty constant roar of discontent on the Madrid
list, there have also been a few significant "I run about a zillion
servers, and I'll do whatever MS says" type postings.

Some of us have wondered for a long time when MS was going to force
a fork in the Internet. They've wanted to own it all pretty much since
they got bushwhacked by it back in '94.

Now under the auspices of the "war on terror", the evil spam problem,
so-called National Security in the US, MS could say that only evil
hackers and spammers (like hotmail and msn?) want to use other
software, so if we just cut them off, then the internet will be safe.
Now, before folks dismiss this as tinhat-izm, please note this
recent quote concerning raw socket support in XP SP2.
"the only apps using [raw sockets] on XP were people writing attack tools."

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