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Re: Apache Foundation and SenderID

2004-09-02 14:05:54
Well - I posted a rant this morning.  Having seen the so-obvious
orchestration and posting to the marid mail-list - I would like to change
that to a factual e-mail :-/


ICQ 313355492

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Couzens" <jcouzens(_at_)6o4(_dot_)ca>
To: <spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com>
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [spf-discuss] Apache Foundation and SenderID

On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 09:55, Jake S wrote:


Just posted about 5 minutes ago... haven't read it though.

"In an open letter to the IETF MARID Working Group, the Apache Software
Foundation has rejected the patent-encumbered Sender ID specification.
This means no Sender ID support for SpamAssassin, Apache JAMES, etc.
They state that the current license is generally incompatible with open
source, and contrary to the practice of open Internet standards."

As if there was any doubt.  I still dumbfounded by the ignorance being
blatantly displayed by the parties involved with "SenderID".

EARTH TO MICROSOFT -- Since you are SO familiar with working with open
source code (BSD) (go run strings on telnet.exe from win98 for example)
and have capitalized on the extremely open licensing that comes with
BSD, what the hell kind of crack are you boys smoking down in Redmond
that you think this sort of shit will fly?  So its ok for YOU to
capitalize on a license like BSD, but this is not what you wish to offer
back to the public?  Take off eh? LOL.  Come back when you have a clue,
or better yet, just don't come back.



James Couzens,
                        ^                            ( ( (
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       (00)           (o o)          (0~0)        '  (> <) '
http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7A7C7DCF

Sender Policy Framework: http://spf.pobox.com/
Archives at http://archives.listbox.com/spf-discuss/current/
http://www.InboxEvent.com/?s=d --- Inbox Event Nov 17-19 in Atlanta features
SPF and Sender ID.
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