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Re: Ignoring rejected mail?

2004-12-07 16:42:54

On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, David Woodhouse wrote:

No. Common practice is to forward the mail unmodified and in that case
the message-digest still matches. Those who modify the mail are mostly
mailing lists, and in that case the reverse-path is changed anyway.

Since .forward file is processed at the delivery, sendmail milters (including
SpamAssasin) are called for prior to that time, so its not surprising 
nowdays to see forwarded email with additional headers added. Same if you
forward from procmail script.

Similar situation now exists for other mail list software as well - it all 
depends on the order of how mail list processing components are called for
within the system but having spam and virus checking prior to forwarding
decision based on user settings is becoming more and more common.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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