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Re: Ignoring rejected mail?

2004-12-08 04:42:28
On Tue, 2004-12-07 at 16:21 -0800, william(at)elan.net wrote:
I would agree though that mangling of body is not typical during simple
forwarding/redirection, this happens primarily only with mail lists.

Right. So the digest scheme needs to handle extra non-trace headers
being added, but it doesn't need to handle the body being mangled.

One thing that does happen sometimes is that some virus scanners will remove
any .exe (and .scr and similar) attachment files no matter if they are 
infected or not and that can happen to email messages being forwarded.

True. In practice this happens mostly to mail which people didn't want
anyway -- that's the whole point in stripping the dangerous attachments.
I believe the common practice is now to reject the mail rather than
letting it through without the payload anyway, since the empty virus
mails are still just as annoying.

But in the rare case that this happens to an attachment which people
_did_ want, then it's not clear that a bounce is any worse than letting
the mail get through without the attachment. I think it's an acceptable
casualty -- remember this is still a _vast_ improvement on SPF where
_all_ forwarded mail is supposed to be rejected.


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