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Re: Re: DM News says: MSN requires Sender ID Authentication

2005-06-24 07:36:48
From: "Henning Hucke"

Could you please be so kind as to stop this rubbish? I would honestly
thank you. Any headers of answered mails don't have anything to search
in the reply body.

Please justify your thinking. I speak with authority as an SMTP author.  Our
software has to work as standard with other standard systems world wide and
its NOT free software - people pay big bucks for it.  It better work!!

It can easily add  the basic (and typical) requirements:

    From:   <--- 2821.MailFrom
    To:  <---- 2821.Rcpt To

The envelope addresses and the "To:" and "From:" headers

 are unlinked!

I see your confusion.

When you don't have any headers in the data block, alL servers, including
your system will create the above minimum requirement automatically.  Even
if you were correct and you are not,  the system should not accept and dump
without any bounce notification. It is simply against the RFC x821 protocol
and if you live in the US, also against US ECPA user expectation provisions.

Try it on your server and come back to us.  Also see my other response to
Ralf with more history details.

They usually correspond with each other but might also be totally
different or even empty (which might break rfc rules but wouldn't
technically prevent the message from delivery).

So if you don't have HEADERS,  you use the BASIC Envelope headers to
establish the From/To fields. That has always been the traditional mode of
operations for over 20 years.

Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

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