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Re: 5c. Message Status - Re: [Asrg] ASRG work items

2003-03-27 07:52:11
At 7:07 PM +0000 3/26/03, Tony Finch wrote:
Kee Hinckley <nazgul(_at_)somewhere(_dot_)com> wrote:
At 10:36 AM -0700 3/26/03, Vernon Schryver wrote:
Oh, I was confused.  I think spending time on bounce formats is a
bigger waste of time than "internationalizing" error messages from
programs.  In practice, computer error messages are always opaque
cybercrud to everyone except the priesthood.  "ABEND 12345" may be a

I would take this as a *reason* to standardize them.  Given that they
are getting even more confusing.  The point isn't to standardize them
for humans--but for computers.

What's wrong with these?

Bear in mind that I've just gone and skimmed these. So if I've misrepresented one, let me knomw.

3461 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Service Extension for
     Delivery Status Notifications (DSNs). K. Moore. January 2003.
     (Format: TXT=76076 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1891) (Status: DRAFT

This requires that the sending MTA request extended result codes which makes widespread deployment more difficult.

3463 Enhanced Mail System Status Codes. G. Vaudreuil. January 2003.
     (Format: TXT=31832 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1893) (Status: DRAFT

Right idea, but the semantics we are looking for aren't covered there, and I think they are complex enough that we're going to have to specify standard contents for the text part of the response as well as the numeric code.

3464 An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications.
     K. Moore, G. Vaudreuil. January 2003. (Format: TXT=83060 bytes)
     (Obsoletes RFC1894) (Status: DRAFT STANDARD)

This looks like a good base for the replies. What we need to do is standardize on a set of headers that fit within the framework.
Kee Hinckley        Junk-Free Email Filtering   Writings on Technology and Society

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.
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