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Re: On the tradition of I-D "Acknowledgements" sections

2013-03-25 08:05:10

        I have gave some feedback to some I+D authors, I have  commented I+Ds
on emailing lists, etc. but never with any expectation of being thanked
by and ack in the I+D or even to include my comments if those are not
supported by the authors or the WG. My only expectation to participate
in the IETF is a better Internet, period.

        Of course it is nice to be ack in the I+D, you feel that you are doing
a good contribution, but we should not be motivated to comment just by that.

        Saying this, and as other have said let the authors to ack to anybody
they want. They are spending a lot of time writing the I+D, listening
people, etc. , Don't do a bureaucratic process out of it.


On 3/25/13 4:58 AM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
Personally, as a fairly active WG participant and reviewer, I would
not expect an acknowledgement unless I contribute a significant new
idea or a reasonable sized chunk of text.

As an author or editor, my intention is to acknowledge people whose
input led to new ideas or new text. Possibly, I'd acknowledge
someone who found a significant error.

I don't really think acknowledgement is needed for everybody who
speaks up; fixing a typo or saying "+1" is not a contribution.


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