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Re: considering XML

2004-01-21 12:22:31

             SPF                           XML

  easy for lay people to write      slightly harder for lay people to writep
  easy for XML nerds to write       very easy for XML nerds to write
  new parsers have to be written    parsers kind of already written
  less extensible                   theoretically more extensible


The parsing is a fairly negligible component of anything SPF. What that means is that instead of a negligible amount of code to parse SPF, either an XML parser needs to be written from scratch or an XML parser needs to be licensed/integrated with the SPF-aware software. Plus, if you're using XML, you really need to move to TCP, where XML typically resides. Then you're talking about an even larger increase in bandwidth.

As it stands now, the only "tricky" component to SPF is a DNS resolver (Windows, for example, doesn't include a DNS resolver that can be used with SPF). However, virtually all anti-spam software has access to a DNS resolver (as DNS is a key component to most anti-spam software). So adding XML to the picture significantly increases the complexity for development.

Given that XML never took off, I personally don't see much of a strong incentive to use it. I remember when I first started learning about XML a few years back, and it wasn't the most pleasant experience.

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