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Re: will resistant MTAs be fronted with commercial antispam gateways?

2004-02-10 14:36:26
On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Meng Weng Wong wrote:

On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 04:03:37PM -0500, Jameel Akari wrote:
| Us early adopters needs something to adopt if it's every going to become
| mature enough for the mainstream.  You don't have to enable it by default
| in your MTA - that would be a bad idea.

Good suggestion.  Maybe the MTA distributors will put SPF+SRS in the
tarballs, but not turned on.  That'd be good enough for me.  We can
shoot for that.  I'll send my SPF thing to Wietse this week.

Also, while the libspf patch is still in development, have you
considered using the Milter?  I have heard some people would rather not
do the Milter thing either because they don't have a threaded perl or
for some other reason.

I thought about the Milter.  I don't build sendmail with libmilter support
because I don't have any other use for it.  So it seems like a lot of
overhead to me.

sleep 4800;
make clean && make breakfast

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