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Re: "Stripping Wars!" [Re: SPF is not usable as legal measure against spammers.]

2004-07-15 17:32:42
Thanks Hector,

Excellent reading.

[Hector Santos]
    ... "To say or not to say -- I better stay quiet!"
    --- Created by UserMail v2.0 [Unregistered 15 days remaining]
    --- QuickBBS V1.0 [Unregistered. 25 days remaining]
    --- Exported by GateMail v2.0 [Unregistered. 29 days remaining]
With GMAIL, the same thing will happen by opening a "Pandora box" of
tampering with mail!

FYI. Consider Yahoo DK. Only Yahoo and GMail will be able to (and will )-:
put text ads inside their users emails if no user keys will be used.
With SPF anybody will be able. Even in case if I'm using own MTA but forced
to use single ISP.
You will able to find something like this in _your_ emails:
--- Delivered to you by BigISP.com. The most reliable ISP in your area.

As result you can get email with 50% of ads added by ISP of sender, your ISP
and possibly others ISP involved in transit.
All ISPs can adopt - "Willing Ads-free email to send or receive? Pay us a
little bit more for our services and you will get it" policy.
If you are ISP - you can alter traffic for any reasons.
For example for NAT or for profits using text ads in email.

FYI, There is no way to force ISP somewhere in middle of sender -> receiver
communication to not add ads with SPF and DK.
DK will be able to detect such a change. But will be unable to revert )-:

We are increasing prices for bulk mailing by blocking current spammers. All
those spam money floating around will go to ISPs.
End-user results will be same. The same spam. But it will recide inside
legit emails. You will be unable to delete them any spam filter :-(
Current anti-spam goal will be reached - 100% legit emails. But also viagra
companies will be happy becouse they will start using ISPs.

I hate how Internet currently used for commerce and advertisement.
Instead of proving real value like an information/education to average John
Doe user - Internet used to force them to buy something.
And I dislike that John like this :-( I see decrease in education level and
information quality all over world.

Andriy G. Tereshchenko
TAG Software
Odessa, Ukraine

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